Yorkshire VW Campervan Hire Terms and Conditions Price quoted includes the following: • Comprehensive insurance for any driver aged between 25 and 70 • 75 Miles per day (average) • Breakdown cover • All cooking and bedding equipment (comprehensive inventory list will be provided) • Camping gas • Full tank of petrol. (To be returned full at the end of hire) Insurance In the event of any damage to either, the vehicle or third party property, the hirer will be liable for the excess of £500. The hirer will also be fully liable for replacement or repair of windscreen or tyre damage. Drivers are to be a minimum of 25 years old (pls check this with the campervan owner). Insurance provided by The Campervan Owner only covers the vehicle and does not cover personal possessions. The Campervan Owner recommends that you take out insurance to cover your personal items during the rental period. Security Deposit Prior or possibly on the day of hire a refundable Security Deposit of £500 is payable. This is fully refundable on return of the vehicle on the agreed date and time, in the same condition as it was let out. The Security Deposit will only be used to pay for any loss or damage to equipment, fixtures and fittings, windows, tyres or negligent damage to the vehicle. Payment of the Security deposit may be made in the following ways: a. £500 in Cash b. £100 in Cash and £400 Cheque Drivers These are the typical conditions to which you will need to comply with when hiring a campervan. • Age limits: 25 to 70 years • Driver must have held a valid licence for more than two years. • Details of additional drivers required in advance. • Production of valid standard driver's licence required from all drivers at start of hire. • Please check licence carefully, if licence proves to be unacceptable at time of collection no monies will be refunded. • Drivers are personally liable for all legal penalties (eg: speeding, parking fines, congestion charges), which are incurred during the period of hire. • Each driver must provide 2 separate forms of identification, one of which must be photo ID, e.g. credit card and passport. Payment Availability is on a request and confirmation basis at the time of your reservation. A reservation is only binding once the booking is confirmed by The Campervan Owner by email and a non-returnable deposit of 20% has been received. Settlement of the remaining balance will be due prior to departure as stipulated by The Campervan Owner. For late bookings the full rental price is payable on booking. Vehicles will not be released without full payment being completed. We are currently able to accept the following methods of Payment: a. Paypal (Credit/Debit Card) b. Bank Transfer c. Cash Cancellation Charges In the event of cancellation, the hirer will forfeit the 20% deposit paid at the time of booking. Collection & Return Collection: Please allow 1 hour for the hand-over to complete the documentation and demonstrate your vehicle to you. The Campervan Owner will also agree any existing damage and the inventory of equipment supplied. Please also allow up to an hour for hand-over on return of your vehicle. Return: The vehicle must be returned on or before the date and time stated, on the rental agreement, be clean and in the same condition as it left otherwise charges will be made. Late return: if you are running late we must be advised immediately. Failure to advise may result in prosecution for driving whilst uninsured. An additional charge per hour is possibly payable for all late returns. Delivery and Return of the Vehicle The Hirer acknowledges having received the Vehicle in a clean condition and in sound working order in accordance with the Departure Checklist and with a full fuel tank. The Hirer will return the vehicle in a clean condition with a full fuel tank, on the return date and time set out under the heading "Return date and time" in the Rental Agreement. The Hirer acknowledges that The Campervan Owner will not refund any monies, nor have any obligation to provide a replacement vehicle, if the Vehicle is returned or the Hirer ceases to have the use of the Vehicle prior to the return date for any reason e.g. Accident, breakdown, weather or theft. Rental and Other Charges The Hirer will pay The Campervan Owner the following: a. All rental charges. b. The security deposit. c. A cleaning fee if the Vehicle is not returned with the interior in a clean condition. d. The nominated cancellation fee in the event of cancellation of this agreement prior to acceptance of delivery of the vehicle. e. The cost of any damage to the Vehicle or the property of any third party, subject to the insurance cover. f. All government fees and duties etc; All parking fines, other fines or penalties, and/or accidents including third party property damage not reported on return of the Vehicle; and associated administration costs incurred in relation to the Vehicle during the Rental Period; g. Any other fees or charges payable by the Hirer pursuant to this Agreement. This includes any costs incurred by The Campervan Owner as a result of any breach by the Hirer of the terms of this Agreement. The daily rental rate for the period the Vehicle is off fleet for accident repairs. h. The cost of recovering a Vehicle that has become bogged. Errors in Rental Charges Total charges as set out therein are not final. The Hirer will pay any shortfall in charges to The Campervan Owner and the Hirer will receive a refund for any overcharge acknowledged by The Campervan Owner. Payment of Charges Joint and Several Liability All charges and expenses payable by the Hirer under this Agreement are due on demand by The Campervan Owner. The Hirer agrees to pay a late charge on any outstanding balance and any collection costs incurred by The Campervan Owner, including reasonable legal fees. When the Hirer comprises more than one person, each person is liable jointly and severally for all obligations of the customer pursuant to this Agreement. Road Restrictions All Vehicles may only be driven on sealed / bitumen roads. The Campervan Owner reserves the right at any time, at its sole discretion, to restrict vehicle movements in certain areas due to adverse road or weather conditions or any other reasonable cause. Use of the Vehicle The Vehicle is not to be driven otherwise than in a cautious, prudent and normal manner; used in a manner which could cause damage; driven in a prohibited area or in an area other than the areas indicated by me to The Campervan Owner; driven by a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs or with a blood alcohol level in excess of that permitted by law; left with the ignition key in the vehicle while it is unoccupied; left unoccupied without the radio faceplate removed; valuables concealed; driven by persons under the age of 25 years or who is not authorised by law to drive the Vehicle or named in the agreement; damaged by submersion in water; put into contact with Salt Water; used for any illegal purpose for any race, rally or contest; used to tow any vehicle or trailer not authorised in advance by The Campervan Owner; used to carry passengers or property for hire or reward; used to carry more persons than is permitted by any relevant authority or detailed in the Vehicle manual or on the Vehicle or specified in this agreement; used to carry volatile liquids, gases, explosives or other corrosive or inflammable material; or otherwise used in breach of the Hirers obligations under this Agreement. Alterations to the Vehicle The Hirer shall not make any alterations or additions to the Vehicle without the prior written consent of The Campervan Owner. Smoking The Hirer will not allow anyone to smoke in the vehicle as The Campervan Owner has a no smoking policy in all of their vehicles. A valeting charge will be incurred by the Hirer if this policy is ignored. Pets The Hirer acknowledges that any damage, repair costs or extra cleaning costs caused because of, or by a pet travelling in the vehicle must be paid for in full by the Hirer. Maintenance The Hirer shall take all reasonable steps to properly maintain the Vehicle, including oil checks and water, and acknowledge that The Campervan Owner will reimburse the Hirer for expenditure up to £100 reasonably incurred in rectifying any mechanical failure to the engine of the Vehicle, provided that the Hirer produces relevant receipts at the end of the hire period and have received the prior consent of The Campervan Owner and that the damage is not due to any fault or by breach of this Agreement of the Hirer. Responsibility if an accident occurs In the event of any accident, loss or damage arising out of the use of the vehicle, the Hirer will notify The Campervan Owner within 24hrs of the happening of the event, obtain the names and addresses of third parties and any witnesses and report the event to the nearest police station. Also, the Hirer will complete a European accident report form as relevant, not make any admission of liability to other parties, settlement offer or other like offer. The Hirer undertakes to assist The Campervan Owner in handling any claim arising from any event, including providing all relevant information and attending Court to give evidence. Terminating the Agreement The Hirer acknowledges that The Campervan Owner may terminate this Agreement and repossess the Vehicle at any time, without notification to the Hirer, and that the Hirer will pay the reasonable costs of repossessing the Vehicle, including towing charges if the Hirer is in breach of any term of this Agreement, has obtained the Vehicle through fraud or misrepresentation, the Vehicle appears to be abandoned, the Vehicle is not returned on the agreed return date or The Campervan Owner reasonably believes that the Vehicle will not be returned on the agreed return date, The Campervan Owner considers on reasonable grounds, that the safety of passengers or the condition of the Vehicle is endangered. In the event of such termination or repossession, the Hirer has no right to a refund of any part of the rental charges or the Security Deposit. Release and indemnity of The Campervan Owner Subject to its obligation to deliver the Vehicle or an appropriate substitute vehicle, the Hirer releases The Campervan Owner, its employees and agents, from any liability to the Hirer (regardless of who is at fault) for any loss or damage incurred by the Hirer by reason of this Agreement, including but not limited to any loss or damage caused by breakdown, mechanical defect, accident or the Vehicle being unsuitable for my purpose, any loss or damage to any property left in or on the Vehicle, in any service vehicle or on any The Campervan Owner premises or recovered or handled by The Campervan Owner. Subject to any insurance arrangements agreed with The Campervan Owner, the Hirer hereby indemnify and shall keep indemnified The Campervan Owner, its employees and agents against any claims, demands and expenses (including legal costs) incurred or sustained by them or any of them by reason of my use and/or possession of the Vehicle. Title to Vehicle The Hirer acknowledges that The Campervan Owner retains title to the Vehicle and that the Hirer possess the goods as a mere bailee only and do not have any right to pledge The Campervan Owner’ credit in connection with the Vehicle and agree not to do so and shall not agree, attempt, offer or purport to sell, assign, sublet, lend, pledge, mortgage, let on hire, or otherwise part with or attempt to part with the personal possession of or otherwise deal with the Vehicle. Definitions of Terms and Conditions: The Hirer" refers jointly and severally to the person or persons who are the customers. "This Agreement'" means the Rental Agreement, the insurance Motor Rental Agreement and these Terms and Conditions. In the event of any discrepancy between these Terms and Conditions and any other literature, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall apply. "The Campervan Owner" means the person that rents a van to you and is the legal owner or legal representative of that owner. "Customer" means the person or persons nominated as the hirer in the booking "Hire Details" on the insurance Motor Rental Agreement and any other person whose cheque is presented in payment of the customer's charges. "Equipment" includes but is not limited to the power pack, gas bottle, fridge, SatNav/Audio unit, bike rack, crockery, cutlery, cooking utensils, pillows, sheets and any extra rented items such as awnings, WC and the like. "Rental Period" means the hire period referred to under the heading 'Booking Details' on the Rental Agreement or any agreed variation thereof and any additional period during which the vehicle is in the Hirers possession or control. "Vehicle" means the vehicle described under the heading "Vehicle Details" on the Rental Agreement and includes tyres, tools, accessories, the equipment and any other special equipment, documents related to the Vehicle and any replacement or substitute Vehicle that may be provided at the discretion of The Campervan Owner. "Security Deposit" means the Vehicle security deposit detailed under the heading "Vehicle Security Deposit" in the Motor Rental Agreement. This agreement shall be governed by English Law This Agreement, constitutes the entire agreement of the parties and there are no other oral undertakings, warranties or agreements between the parties relating to the subject matter of this agreement. The Campervan Owner reserves the right to add or amend any rental charges without prior notice.