Write a review

LeisureRentalsDirect.com offers travellers independent reviews, to help them make better-informed decisions. Travellers who have rented leisure accommodation have the option of sharing their experience with fellow travellers through our reviewing system.

How to submit a review...

  • Search for the leisure accommodation, using the reference number or area
  • Submit a review by clicking the "Add Review Link" on the rental detail page
  • Enter a title, and description of your experience and rate the experience using the bullets
  • You will need the dates booked and booking reference (optional)
  • Check your review for spelling etc. – once submitted, it cannot be amended!
  • Click to submit
review guidlines
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Review guidelines

Once the review is submitted, the following happens...

  • Before publishing, the review will be checked by our moderators for suitability
  • The owner will also confirm that you are a valid customer
  • The owner DOES NOT see the content of the review when verifying
  • Once verified the review is published
  • The owner is given the opportunity to post a comment

The role of the moderator...

  • Doesn't remove bad reviews
  • Doesn't edit reviews
  • Deletes reviews with profanity, threats, prejudiced comments, hate speech, sexually explicit language, or other content that is inappropriate
  • Deletes reviews containing promotional material of any kind, including self-promotional URLs, e-mail addresses or phone numbers

The role of the owner...

  • To verify that the reviewer is a valid customer
  • To have the opportunity to post a comment, alongside the review

Reviews must be...

  • Written by real travellers - We only accept reviews that are personal experiences of leisure rentals. A review is not a place for hearsay. Please write only about your personal experiences.
  • Genuine - No reviews written by owners or agents; including past employees or anyone associated with/related to employees or working on the behalf of the leisure rental in question. Individuals affiliated with a leisure rental may not review other leisure rentals.
  • Unique and independent – You may write one review on any given leisure rental.
  • Family-friendly – No prejudiced comments, no profanity, no threats, no abusive language, no sexually explicit language, or other content that is not appropriate for our browsers.
  • Non-commercial - No promotional content whatsoever. We reserve the right to reject any reviews containing URLs, e-mail addresses, hashtags, HTML tags or phone numbers for any reason.
  • Written by adults – No reviews by persons under the age of 18

Owner comments must be...

  • Professional – Owner comments are posted alongside the review to which you are responding. They are read by all browsers of the website, and therefore should be written in a manner that is representative of the customer service you provide
  • Relevant - No comments that include content irrelevant to the review in question. No personal insults or irrelevant comments of a personal nature. Owner comments may not threaten or coerce a reviewer or attempt to suppress reviewer contributions on our site. No accusations of review fraud. No responses directed to LeisureRentalsDirect.com staff or commenting about LeisureRentalsDirect.com policies.
  • Respectful of personal privacy - Personal information of any person, including names, addresses, phone numbers, or other information that may be used to identify an individual, is prohibited.
  • Unique and independent – You may write one comment on any given review. The comment can be updated.
  • Family-friendly – No prejudiced comments, no profanity, no threats, no abusive language, no sexually explicit language, or other content that is not appropriate for our browsers.
  • Non-commercial - No promotional content whatsoever. We reserve the right to reject any owner comments containing URLs, e-mail addresses, hashtags, HTML tags or phone numbers for any reason.

When will the review be posted...

The review will be moderated within 24 hours of submission. Before the review goes live the owner then verifies that it is written by a valid customer. This may take a few days.

How to remove a review

Once a review has been submitted, it cannot be edited. However, if you wish to remove a review, please contact us via [email protected] Please note requests to remove reviews will only be considered if submitted by the original reviewer.

LeisureRentalsDirect.com reserves the right to delete a review or comment at any time for any reason. The reviews posted on LeisureRentalsDirect.com are individual and subjective. The opinions expressed in reviews are those of travellers using LeisureRentalsDirect.com and not of LeisureRentalsDirect.com. We do not endorse any of the opinions expressed by reviewers or in owner comment responses. LeisureRentalsDirect.com are not affiliated with any owner listed or reviewed on this web site.
In accordance with our privacy policy, LeisureRentalsDirect.com does not release anyone's personal contact information.

Static Caravan holiday
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LeisureRentalsDirect.com is the No.1 location for leisure rental accommodation in the UK. We provide an advertising platform for motorhome hire, campervan hire, static caravan hire and boat hire owners, as well as providing advice, reviews, last minute deals and much more.

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